Boosting Support Productivity and Customer Happiness

Optimize your service / support operations with H-Office CRM’s comprehensive Support CRM solutions. From Support Analytics to Solutions Management and Request Automation, streamline your workflow, enhance customer satisfaction, and stay ahead of your support & service needs.
Support CRM

Support CRM Package Includes

Support Request Management

Simplify Support Requests with H-Office CRM

Support Request Management

Experience a revolution in support management with H-Office’s comprehensive Support Automation feature. This powerful tool is designed to streamline every aspect of your support workflow, from request creation to resolution. Easily categorize and assign support requests, ensuring they reach the right team members swiftly. Implement an efficient approval process to maintain quality control, and benefit from bulk request assignment for optimal workload distribution. Stay in the loop with real-time email and SMS alerts for new requests, and keep stakeholders informed with automatic updates on support actions. Enhance collaboration by adding followers to support requests and measure customer satisfaction to continuously refine your support services. Simplify job card generation, access a complete history of support interactions, and customize support labels to match your unique processes. Avoid service delays with automated overdue request management and ensure efficient task allocation with support request management.
  • Categorization of Support Requests
  • Approval Process for Requests
  • Bulk Assignment of Requests
  • Real-Time Email and SMS Alerts
  • Automatic Updates on Request Actions
  • Follower Management for Requests
  • Customer Satisfaction Tracking
  • Job Card Printing
  • Support History Access
  • Dynamic Label Customization
  • Overdue Request Management
  • Support Workload Optimization

Solutions at Your Fingertips

Knowledge Management

Unlock the power of knowledge within your support operations with H-Office’s Knowledge Management feature. Seamlessly link solutions to support requests, providing your team with real-time access to solutions when they need them most. Simplify knowledge retrieval with tagging and keyword searching, and enhance product support by linking solutions directly to products. Create dynamic categories and sub-categories to organize your knowledge base effectively. With H-Office’s Knowledge Management, you’ll streamline support, boost efficiency, and ensure your team has the information they need at their fingertips.
  • Link Solutions to Support Request
  • Real-Time Solution Viewing
  • Emailing Options from Support Request
  • Tagging and Keyword Searching for Solutions
  • Linking Solutions with Products
  • Dynamic Category and Sub-Category Creation
  • Author Name and Email ID Management
  • Subject and Description Fields
  • Featured Solutions
  • Allow Comments on Solutions
  • Optional Login Requirement for Access
knowledge management
Daily Report
Insightful Intelligence

Solution Management

Unlock a wealth of insights with H-Office’s Daily Analysis feature. Gain a deep understanding of your business operations by harnessing the power of data-driven analysis. This feature empowers you to track your progress, identify trends, and make informed decisions, all on a daily basis and generate various activity reports.. Whether you’re interested in numeric overviews or detailed breakdowns, H-Office’s Daily Analysis & reporting section offers you the tools to stay on top of your business’s performance.
  • Auto Reporting Via Email
  • Numeric & Detail Analysis
  • Individual & Company Wise Data Selection
  • Dynamic Date Range
  • Contact Wise Auto Daily Reporting
  • Various Activity Reports
Support Analytics

Data-Driven Support Excellence

Support Analytics

H-Office’s Support Analytics is your key to unlocking actionable insights and optimizing your support operations. Gain a comprehensive view of your support performance with Support Summary, providing you with a quick overview of key metrics. Dive deeper into employee workload with Employee Wise Workload Graph, ensuring equitable task distribution. Track support request statuses effortlessly with Support Request Status Graph, and proactively manage issues with the Overdue Request Filter. With H-Office’s Support Analytics, you’ll make informed decisions, streamline your support process, and enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Support Summary
  • Employee Wise Workload Graph
  • Support Request Status Graph
  • Overdue Request Filter

Enhance Your Workflow with Supported Integrations

Support CRM Supported Integrations

Enhance Your Workflow with Supported Integrations

Support CRM Supported Integrations

Integration Whatsapp
Integration Text
Integration Amazon SES
Integration Call
Integration Google Maps
Integration IOT