Multi Branch

MULTI BRANCH WAREHOUSE Branch Wise Inventory Management Inter Branch Stock Transfer Management Branch Wise Contact Management Branch Wise Analytics


Benefits of opting for H-Office CRM Transaction Time Conversion Rate Editing Currency Wise Transaction Tracking Contact level Currency & Time Zone Mapping Employee Level Time Zone Mapping

Project Management with H-Office CRM

You should not believe that CRM is only to manage the lead. You can also manage your project with the help of H-Office CRM. It is too easy to be a part of the entire process of project management to keep your clients updated. The Project manager can create a project and assign to the… Continue reading Project Management with H-Office CRM


PROJECTS Milestones, To-Do List & To-Dos Customer & Third Party Login Real Time Progress Tracking Task Integration with Project Project Calendar & Resource Management Project Deadline & Alerts Project Wise Document Management

Send Options EVENTS

EVENTS Declare Event Venue Date & Time Participations & Free, Participations Listing Event Wise Profit Analysis Speakers Details Seat & Room Reservation Conformations through Email & SMS Allow Participants to do Online Booking


SMS AND EMAIL CURRENCY API Integration with Multiple Gateway / Service Provider Simple SMS & Bulk SMS SMS & Email Template Transaction wise SMS & Email Template Auto Greetings Email & SMS Template Email Campaign


STUDENT BATCH MANAGEMENT Student Enrollment & Admission Confirmation Process Assignment of Batches to the Students as per Selected  Course Assignment of Coaches & Classes to the Student Subjects Auto Daily Batch Creation Ability Manual Attendance of the Students Coach wise Auto Attendance of the Students with Attendance Device Integration Reports the Students for Attendance, Courses,… Continue reading STUDENT BATCH MANAGEMENT
