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Are you a business owner concerned about increasing your revenue?

H-Office CRM has helped various businesses like yours in the past to boost not only the top line but also the bottom line. Our automated web based H-Office CRM has various features for your business analysis and sales team optimization. H-Office CRM along with automating your process, it also aims at improvising the relationship with current customers, on boarding new customers and to continue relations with the past customers.

Your company’s success will entirely depend on the relationship that you maintain with the entire customer base. Knowing your customer better can help you in achieving great level of success in the business. Your clients can get all the information about your business on your website. In case you need to know clients data, you will not have it so easily. The importance of client data is not visible when you collect it but when you actually feed in the CRM for all your future references. It is evident that CRM helps in retaining such documents or data in most accessible and accurate formats. A few important pointers of the clients like their transactions, preferences, needs and concerns can be easily accessed; understanding difference can help in better transactions and deal for the company.

Lets take a look at a few ways to double your sales with the help of H-Office CRM:

Contact and Lead Management

It is very essential to organize your contacts which are accumulated over the years for your business. These contacts are a gold mine for your business that can turn into real closures. H-Office CRM stores contact information centrally. We help you centralize your contacts and it is mapped with multiple hierarchies and locations as per the roles defined for the staff. Your sales staff can have complete history of the contact like profile, purchase & billing history, new orders, all communications, collateral shared, etc.

Faster and better reporting to improve your sales

If you are using a CRM for your lead management, there are less likely chances to go wrong with your numbers. Our H-Office CRM helps you generate various types of predefined reports and facility to create customized reports as well for your further analysis. You have complete freedom to customize your dashboard to promptly check relevant information like Customer Data, Lead Data, Sales Target, and performance Reports to analyze more opportunities. One Click reporting structure will help you make quick and effective decisions for your sales projection and improved profitability.

Easing out sales team with task management

Our H-Office CRM, being an automated system is designed to take the burden of many tasks of your employees. This means that your representatives will be able to focus more of their efforts towards closing leads and resolving customer pain points, while the automated CRM system takes care of the details. Every sales person can see all the notification on the dashboard and get notified for everything via Email or SMS or both depending on the setting done in the CRM.

It is most difficult for a sales person to remember appointments and follow-ups. Our H-Office CRM helps companies to improvise the internal and external follow up process. A sales person needs to send multiple follow-up emails, make various calls to multiple levels, send industry reports to the leads to have rapport with the lead, and many other such activities. To achieve a single sale, various small tasks are involved and every sales person is involved in multiple lead follow-ups daily. It becomes very difficult to track everything on the paper and so H-Office CRM helps with Electronic Reminder System for each and every task.

Maximizing up-selling and cross selling

H-Office CRM helps sales team to up-sell similar products to the clients on the basis of their purchase history. You can also strategically cross sell other products that are complementary products to the customers. A sales person can easily understand the customer buying pattern from the CRM, and by talking to the customers they can easily understand the current needs. Many organizations keep on doing surveys from the CRM to gather key information to help sales team maximize upselling and cross selling for increased profits.

Better Lead Analysis for Marketing Campaign

As a business owner it becomes very essential for you to understand the lead sources, lead status, analysis on lead conversions or rejections, etc. If you are using H-Office CRM, it becomes easy to track and conduct source analysis of the lead; you will be able to know its source i.e. whether it is from your email campaigns, Google or other search engines, social media campaigns, directories, etc. Your sales team can select status of each lead and mention reasons linked to them. If any business is lost, it becomes very handy to the management to conduct lost analysis and understand reasons for those non conversions.

Helps in improving customer Relations

Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal for any organization as it helps to retain the client for a longer duration. Using CRM helps in achieving this goal by using it thoroughly to understand entire process of marketing, sales, and post sales service in the most organized and systematic way. This also benefits in improved customer loyalty and it is an easier step to take feedback for your products or services from the customer. Once the customer is satisfied, he/she can recommend you to many more such clients.

Managing things with multiple teams

The entire communication is stored at one place and this is the best part of H-Office CRM. It has various features and access management to have managed by multiple teams. It is a collaborative approach from every department to help each other grow with knowledge sharing activities, marketing & sales milestones, and customer service case studies. This also helps the team to ensure that the lead is down the funnel towards the closure of the deal. Each department can work closely with the sales person to provide them with the right information to close the deal. This is the best scenario of multiple teams working towards one goal to achieve expected revenue and bottom line.

CRM helps you Double your sales and make happy customers

H-Office CRM can help you to such an extent that your sales numbers can double and make your clients happy. It is your companion to help you in each and every step of sales. It facilitates sales team and customer to ease the communication, organize the data and service to the client. Every business strives hard to make their clients happy and that is the top most priority for many businesses in todays era.

DONT IGNORE THE FACT and IMPORTANCE OF using a CRM tool to automate the process and showcase to your clients that you care about their satisfaction too. In order to find the best solution, you should speak to one of our CLIENT REPRESENTATIVES today to get enrolled to H-OFFICE CRM developed for your business.

Lets speak today to automate your CRM process and double your Sales numbers.
