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Roles Setup Guide

Roles User Guide


There are four main types of roles in H-Office:

Super Admin Role: This role provides comprehensive access to system features, including the ability to edit processed/approved transactions such as quotations and sales orders. The Super Admin role is available to those who purchase the Super Admin add-on module.
Admin Role: Admins have the authority to view and modify data across the system for all users. However, unlike Super Admins, they cannot edit processed quotations and sales orders.
User Roles: These roles are customizable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different user groups within your organization. User roles can be configured based on department, hierarchy, or individual requirements, allowing for granular control over user access and permissions.
Hierarchy: It’s important to note that users higher in the hierarchy automatically have access to the data of their subordinates by default, without the need to assign additional rights.

Accessing Roles Setup:
  1. Go to “Setup.”
  2. Select “Company.”
  3. Within the company, Click on “Roles” to add or modify currency details.

Field-Level Help:

  1. Role Name: Enter a descriptive name for the role, providing a clear identifier for its purpose within the organization.
    Example: “Sales Manager”
  2. Role Description: Provide a brief description of the role, outlining its key responsibilities and scope of authority.
    Example: “Responsible for overseeing sales operations and managing the sales team.”
  3. Module Selection: Select the modules and corresponding operations that users assigned to this role can access and perform within the system. Configure permissions for various activities such as viewing, editing, deleting, adding new, and more across different modules and functionalities.
    Example: For the “Sales Manager” role, select permissions to view, edit, and create leads, quotations and sales orders and manage customer data.
  4. Map Employees: Map individual employees to each role, assigning them specific responsibilities and access rights based on their role within the organization. Our system allows you to assign multiple roles to a single employee, providing flexibility in defining user permissions and responsibilities.

Tips for Creating and Assigning User Roles:

  1. Department-Wise Roles: Organize roles based on departmental functions to ensure that users have access to the tools and information relevant to their roles.
    Example: “Sales Team”
  2. Hierarchy-Wise Roles: Define roles according to organizational hierarchy, ensuring that higher-level roles have appropriate access to subordinate data.
    Example: “Sales Manager”
  3. Individual-Specific Roles: Assign special roles to individual users as needed, granting them specific rights or privileges beyond their standard role.
    Example: “Mr. Ramesh Patel Rights”

Role wise Rights:

1) Contacts

  • View: Allows viewing the contact module.
  • Edit: Permits editing self-created contact information.
  • Delete: Grants permission to delete self-created contacts.
  • Add New: Enables adding new contacts.
  • View All: Allows viewing all contacts in the system.
  • Edit All: Grants the ability to edit all contacts.
  • Delete All: Permits deleting all contacts.
  • Import Contacts: Allows importing contacts into the system.
  • Export Contacts: Enables exporting contacts from the system.
  • Can Edit Secured Detail Of Contact: Permits editing secured details of contacts.
  • Contact Bulk Update: Allows updating contact information in bulk.
  • Can Edit Contact Class: Grants permission to edit the contact class field.
  • Can Create Vendor Type Contact: Enables creating vendor-type contacts.
  • Print Label/Envelope: Permits printing labels or envelopes for contacts.
  • Can Delete Follow Up: Grants permission to delete follow-up records associated with contacts.
  • Can Manage Opening Document: Allows managing accounts opening documents related to contacts.
  • Can View Customer Contact Type: Permits viewing customer’s contact types.
  • Can View Vendor Contact Type: Enables viewing vendor contact types.
  • Can View Both Contact Type: Allows viewing both contact and vendor contact types.
  • Can View Other Contact Type: Permits viewing other contact types.
  • Can Add Reference Master: Grants the ability to add reference masters for contacts.

2) Products

  • View: Allows viewing self-created product details.
  • Edit: Permits editing self-created product information.
  • Delete: Grants permission to delete self-created products.
  • Add New: Enables adding new products.
  • View All: Allows viewing all products in the system.
  • Edit All: Grants the ability to edit all products.
  • Delete All: Permits deleting all products.
  • Change Price: Allows changing product prices.
  • Manage Stock: Permits managing product stock.
  • Can Manage Price List: Grants permission to manage price lists.
  • Can Manage Taxes & Charges: Enables managing taxes and charges for products.
  • Can Apply Bulk Taxes: Allows applying taxes in bulk to products.
  • Can Manage Account Mapping: Permits managing account mapping for products.
  • Can Manage Competitor: Grants the ability to manage competitor information for products.
  • Can Manage Product Supplier: Enables managing product suppliers.
  • Can Manage Document Templates: Allows managing document templates for products. Document templates could be used to generate product information-specific reports.
  • Can Manage Descriptions: Permits managing product descriptions.
  • Can View Price List: Enables viewing price lists.
  • Can View Supplier Details: Allows viewing mapped supplier details.
  • Apply Bulk Excise Duties: Permits applying excise duties in bulk to products.
  • Can Manage Import Product: Grants permission to import products into the system using spreadsheet templates.
  • Can View Stock Detail: Allows viewing detailed stock information.
  • Can View Supplier Details In Stock: Permits viewing supplier details in stock.
  • Can View Purchase Rate Field: Enables viewing the purchase rate field for products.

3) Task

  • Manage All Tasks: Allows managing all tasks.
  • Delete: Permits deleting self-created tasks.
  • Create Task For Private Contacts: Enables creating tasks for private contacts.

4) Raw Contacts

  • View: Allows viewing self-created raw contact details.
  • Edit: Permits editing self-created raw contact information.
  • Delete: Grants permission to delete self-created raw contacts.
  • Add New: Enables adding new raw contacts.
  • View All: Allows viewing all raw contacts in the system.
  • Edit All: Grants the ability to edit all raw contacts.
  • Delete All: Permits deleting all raw contacts.
  • Import Contacts: Allows importing raw contacts into the system.
  • Export Raw Contacts: Enables exporting raw contacts from the system.
  • Raw Contact Bulk Update: Allows updating raw contact information in bulk.
  • Can Delete Follow Up: Grants permission to delete follow-up records associated with raw contacts.
  • Can View Customer Contact: Permits viewing customer contacts.
  • Can View Vendor Contact: Enables viewing vendor contacts.
  • Can View Both Contact: Allows viewing both contacts and vendor contacts.
  • Can View Other Contact: Permits viewing other contacts.

5) Lead

  • Manage Unassigned Leads: Allows managing unassigned leads.
  • Manage All Leads: Permits managing all leads.
  • Revoke Reassign: Grants permission to revoke or reassign leads.
  • Delete: Allows deleting self-created leads.
  • Create Lead For Private Contacts: Enables creating leads for private contacts.
  • Export Report to Excel: Permits exporting various lead reports from H-Office’s report section to Excel.
  • Print Report: Allows printing lead reports.
  • Can Export Leads to CSV: Grants permission to export leads from the leads home page to CSV from H-Office.
  • Can Delete Follow Up: Permits deleting follow-up records associated with leads.

6) Quotation

  • Create Quotation: Enables creating quotations.
  • View Quotation: Allows viewing self-created quotations.
  • View all Quotation: Permits viewing all quotations.
  • Create Quotation Directly: Allows creating quotation directly from Quotation home – without linking it with Lead or any other system transaction.

7) Sales Order

  • Can Approve Sales Order: Permits approving sales orders upon customer’s approval. You can approve the quotation for any other employee as well if you have this right along with the “View All Sales Orders” right.
  • Can Accept Or Reject Sales Order: Allows accepting or rejecting sales orders.
  • View All Sales Orders: Enables viewing all sales orders.
  • Create Sales Order: Grants permission to create sales orders.
  • Create Sales Order Directly: Allows creating sales orders directly from Sales Order home – without linking it with Lead, quotation or any other system transaction.
  • Acception for Dispatch: Permits accepting sales orders for dispatch.

8) Invoice

  • Can Cancel Invoice: Permits canceling invoices.
  • View All Invoices: Allows viewing all invoices.
  • Create Invoice: Enables creating invoices.
  • Can Close Invoice: Grants permission to close invoices.
  • Can View Eway-Bill: Permits viewing E-way bills.

9) Delivery Challan

  • Can Dispatch to Customer: Allows dispatching to customers.
  • View All Delivery Challan: Permits viewing all delivery challans.

10) Purchase Order

  • View All Purchase Order: Allows viewing all purchase orders.
  • Create Purchase Order: Enables creating purchase orders.
  • Can Change Price For Purchase Order: Grants permission to change prices for purchase orders.
  • Can Change Discount For Purchase Order: Allows changing discounts for purchase orders.
  • Can Edit All Purchase Order: Permits editing all purchase orders.
  • Can Send Purchase Order Email: Enables sending email notifications for purchase orders.
  • Can Add Delivery Schedule For Purchase Order: Grants permission to add delivery schedules for purchase orders.
  • Can Add Task For Purchase Order: Allows adding tasks for purchase orders.
  • Can Attach Document For Purchase Order: Permits attaching documents to purchase orders.

11) DMS

  • Can Manage DMS: Permits managing the document management system.
  • Can Delete DMS File: Allows deleting files of all users from the document management system.
  • Can Add Folder: Enables adding folders in the document management system.
  • Can Delete Folder: Permits deleting folders from the document management system.

12) Reports

  • Can Export ReportsTo CSV: Allows exporting reports data to CSV format.

13) General Company Setup

  • Send SMS: Permits sending SMS notifications.
  • Send Email: Enables sending email notifications.
  • Bulk SMS: Grants permission to send bulk SMS messages.
  • Bulk Email: Allows sending bulk email messages.
  • Manage Payment Gateway: Permits managing payment gateways.
  • Manage Miscellaneous Settings: Enables managing miscellaneous settings.
  • Manage Email/SMS Templates: Permits managing email and SMS templates.
  • Can Manage PDC Cheque: Allows managing post-dated cheque entries in the system.
  • Can Edit Closed and Processed Transactions: Grants permission to edit closed and processed transactions.

14) Payment Receipt

  • Create Payment Receipt: Enables creating payment receipts.
  • View All Receipt: Permits viewing all receipts.
  • Can Cancel Receipt: Allows canceling receipts.
  • Can Edit Payment Receipt: Grants permission to edit payment receipts.

15) Project

  • Create Project: Enables creating projects.
  • Manage All Projects: Permits managing all projects.

16) Voucher

  • Can Approve Voucher: Allows approving vouchers.
  • Can Do Voucher Payments: Permits making payments through vouchers.
  • Can Manage Voucher: Enables managing vouchers.
  • View All Voucher: Permits viewing all vouchers.

17) Sales

  • View Stock: Permits viewing stock details.
  • View All Branch Stock: Allows viewing stock details across all branches.
  • View Price List: Enables viewing price lists.
  • Can Modify Product Rate: Grants permission to modify product rates while creating Quotations and Sales Orders.
  • Can Modify Discount: Allows modifying discounts.
  • Can View Stock Rate: Permits viewing stock rates.
  • Can View BOM: Enables viewing Bill of Materials.
  • Can View Sales Kit or Packing Kit: Allows viewing sales kits or packing kits.

18) Purchase

  • View Stock: Permits viewing stock details.
  • View All Branch Stock: Allows viewing stock details across all branches.
  • View Price List: Enables viewing price lists.

19) Material Inward

  • Create Material Inward: Enables creating material inward entries.
  • View All Material Inward: Permits viewing all material inward entries.
  • Can Print Material Inward: Allows printing material inward documents.

20) Purchase Invoice

  • Can Create Purchase Invoice: Enables creating purchase invoices.
  • Can View All Purchase Invoice: Permits viewing all purchase invoices.
  • Can Edit All Purchase Invoice: Allows editing all purchase invoices.
  • Can Process Purchase Invoice: Grants permission to process purchase invoices.
  • Can Print Location Sheet For Purchase Invoice: Enables printing location sheets for purchase invoices.
  • Can Create Task For Purchase Invoice: Permits creating tasks for purchase invoices.
  • Can Attach Document For Purchase Invoice: Allows attaching documents to purchase invoices.
  • Can Change Price For Purchase Invoice: Grants permission to change prices for purchase invoices.
  • Can Change Discount For Purchase Invoice: Allows changing discounts for purchase invoices.
  • Can Create Direct Purchase Invoice: Permits creating purchase invoices directly from Purchase Invoice home without linking it with Purchase Order or any other purchase transaction.
  • Can Create Purchase Invoice From Purchase Order: Enables creating purchase invoices from purchase orders.
  • Can Delete Purchase Invoice: Allows deleting purchase invoices.

21) Sales Return

  • Can Create Sales Return: Permits creating sales return entries.
  • Can View All Sales Return: Allows viewing all sales return entries.
  • Can Change Price For Sales Return: Grants permission to change prices for sales return entries.
  • Can Add Task For Sales Return: Permits adding tasks for sales return entries.
  • Can Close Sales Return: Allows closing sales return entries.

22) Purchase Return

  • Can Create Purchase Return: Enables creating purchase return entries.
  • Can View All Purchase Return: Permits viewing all purchase return entries.
  • Can Change Price For Purchase Return: Grants permission to change prices for purchase return entries.
  • Can Add Task For Purchase Return: Permits adding tasks for purchase return entries.
  • Can Close Purchase Return: Allows closing purchase return entries.

23) Payments

  • Can Create Payment: Enables creating payment entries.
  • Can View All Payment: Permits viewing all payment entries.
  • Can Print Payment: Allows printing payment documents.
  • Can Attach Document For Payment: Permits attaching documents to payment entries.
  • Can Edit Payment: Grants permission to edit payment entries.

24) Credit Note

  • Can Create Credit Note: Enables creating credit note entries.
  • Can View All Credit Note: Permits viewing all credit note entries.

25) Debit Note

  • Can Create Debit Note: Enables creating debit note entries.
  • Can View All Debit Note: Permits viewing all debit note entries.


  • Can View All Journals: Allows viewing all journal entries.
  • Can Create Journal: Permits creating journal entries.
  • Can Edit All Journal: Grants permission to edit all journal entries.
  • Can Cancel Journal: Allows canceling journal entries.

27)Stock Journal

  • Can Manage Stock Journal: Enables managing stock journal entries.
  • Can View All Stock Journals: Permits viewing all stock journal entries.
  • Can Process Stock Journals: Grants permission to process stock journal entries.
  • Can Edit Stock Journals: Allows editing stock journal entries.
  • Can Cancel Stock Journals: Permits canceling stock journal entries.
  • Can Delete Stock Journals: Allows deleting stock journal entries.
  • Can View All MFG Journals: Permits viewing all manufacturing (MFG) journal entries.
  • Can Process MFG Journals: Grants permission to process manufacturing (MFG) journal entries.
  • Can Cancel MFG Journals: Allows canceling manufacturing (MFG) journal entries.
  • Can Delete MFG Journals: Permits deleting manufacturing (MFG) journal entries.
  • Can Edit Manufacturing Stock Journals: Enables editing manufacturing-related stock journal entries.

28)Stock Transfer

  • Can Manage Stock Transfer: Grants permission to manage stock transfer entries.
  • Can View All Transfer Journals: Permits viewing all stock transfer entries.
  • Can Dispatch Transfer Journals: Allows dispatching stock transfer entries.
  • Can Edit Transfer Journals: Permits editing stock transfer entries.
  • Can Cancel Transfer Journals: Grants permission to cancel stock transfer entries.
  • Can Delete Transfer Journals: Allows deleting stock transfer entries.

29)Email Campaign

  • Can Manage Email Campaign: Enables managing email marketing campaigns.

30) Contracts

  • Can Manage Contracts: Grants permission to manage contracts.
  • Can Cancel Contract: Allows canceling contracts.
  • Can Mark Active All Contract: Permits marking contracts as active.
  • View All Contract: Allows viewing all contract entries.
  • Can Edit All Contract: Grants permission to edit all contract entries.
  • Can Export To CSV Contract: Permits exporting contract data to CSV format.

31) Support Request

  • Can Export To CSV Support Request: Permits exporting support request data to CSV format.
  • View All Support Request: Allows viewing all support request entries.
  • Can Close Support Request: Grants permission to close support request entries.

32) Custom BOM

  • Can Add Custom BOM: Enables adding custom bill of materials (BOM).
  • Can Edit Custom BOM: Permits editing custom bill of materials (BOM).
  • Can View Custom BOM: Allows viewing custom bill of materials (BOM).
  • Can Print Custom BOM: Grants permission to print custom bill of materials (BOM).
  • Can Add Custom BOM Product: Enables adding products to custom bill of materials (BOM).
  • Can Edit Custom BOM Product: Permits editing products in custom bill of materials (BOM).
  • Can View Custom BOM Product: Allows viewing products in custom bill of materials (BOM).
  • Can View Custom BOM JV Line Items: Grants permission to view line items in custom bill of materials (BOM) journal vouchers.
  • Can View Custom BOM JV Purchase Price: Permits viewing purchase prices in custom bill of materials (BOM) journal vouchers.
  • Can View Custom BOM JV Sales Price: Allows viewing sales prices in custom bill of materials (BOM) journal vouchers.

33) Workorder

  • Can Create: Enables creating work orders.
  • View All: Allows viewing all work orders.
  • Can Create Stock Inward: Permits creating stock inward entries for work orders.
  • Can Create Stock Outward: Grants permission to create stock outward entries for work orders.
  • Can Edit WO Delivery Date: Enables editing work order delivery dates.
  • Can Edit WO Tentative Date: Permits editing work order tentative dates.
  • Can View Contact Name: Allows viewing contact names associated with work orders.

34) Timesheet

  • Add New: Enables adding new timesheet entries.
  • View: Permits viewing timesheet entries.
  • Edit: Grants permission to edit timesheet entries.
  • Delete: Allows deleting timesheet entries.
  • View All: Permits viewing all timesheet entries.
  • Export Timesheet: Enables exporting timesheet data.
  • Add Location: Allows adding locations to timesheet entries.
  • Edit All: Grants permission to edit all timesheet entries.
  • Edit Billable Time: Permits editing billable time in timesheet entries.

35) E-Invoice

  • Can Access E-Invoice Button: Grants permission to access the E-Invoice feature.