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5 Reasons why you should implement a time-sheet in

Time Management is the most important aspect to consider not only for your staff but also for you as a business owner. Every minute spent by you on time tracking is the extra effort which keeps you away from doing the actual productive work. You should let the automated systems like Time-Sheet take care of it.

Yes! Various researchers in the past have concluded that workers tend to fudge their hours. This not only makes your per hour calculation go wrong but also impacts your bottom line. You may suffer the loss of crucial time and money.

Digitalization already continues to be revolutionary in many ways to your business. SME and manufacturing units have seen tremendous improvement in their bottom lines post automation of their processes. It also helps the business owners to focus on their core objectives, business expansions, and overall revenue growth.

Improved Profitability

Better tracking of your workers’ time, tasks, projects, and optimization of everything will lead to improved profitability.

Track Project Cost

You can easily track hours spend with help of Task level time sheet report.

Planned Vs. Actual Efforts

Client wise time sheet report help you track planned hours and actual effort on the tasks to understand the time pilferage done by the workers.

Improved Estimation

On the basis of history, you can easily understand the time taken for each task and in future, you will be able to conduct proper time estimation and costing.

Track Non-Productive

You can easily track unproductive hours and unproductive workers with the help of comparative analysis and Employee wise Daily, Weekly, Monthly (Dynamic) Time sheet Report.

As a business owner, automating your time sheet with H-Office CRM will help you track your employees productive time which can lead to a more productive, efficient and happy workplace for all the stakeholders involved.

Contact us if you want to implement time-sheet and CRM at your office to improve your organizations operational productivity!
