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Why Your CRM Should be Integrated With You

Digitalization is everywhere today. Every business is looking to automate their process and reduce the manpower cost as far as possible. Business Owners realize that automation can help them earn better profitability and optimize their resources to the large extent. CRM and ERP both are accepted widely in global market and popularity has reached a greater level. Both the applications have some common data, and so if it is well-integrated, a lot of effort can be saved.

Contact Management

Both CRM and ERP are based on the data and there is a lot of data which is common in both the applications. If you integrate the CRM and ERP systems well, it is just one single entry and then the integrated process will do everything on its own. No double entry is required on two different systems.

Sales Process

Interlinking both the applications can help in achieving sales at better rates. Your proposal and its conversions in CRM can be easily converted into ORDERS in the ERP systems if it is integrated well.

Higher ROI

H-Office CRM is a cloud based system which is per user basis. Since it is cloud based setup, it is easier and cost effective than the traditional network based CRM. With the automation you can easily expect better and higher returns.

Improved Service

Customer can be engaged better with the H-Office CRM. All the communications can be stored for the future references while servicing the clients.

Integrating your CRM with the ERP is as important as generating sales numbers for your organization. It is important for success of your business that it is correctly integrated and put to the use. If you wish to know more in detail about the benefits of CRM integration with the ERP, you can contact our CRM experts for consultation on Call for Demo: +91 9327058088
